Painting art


Painting art – is the type of visual art, related to transfer visual impression to the pictorial surface by means of paints. Coloristics – is the science of color. The study of physical features of lightning depending on terms of light-areal environment and impact of the viewer has significant meaning in coloristics. Obviously the primary importance is taken by the structural drawing of composition considering all rules and laws. In order the viewer get satisfied eye evaluation, and achieves positive reading of the work, it is very important to see the consistency of a picture, delicate chatoyment play of color in the art. Subjugation of the whole to the details, and vice versa of the details to the whole. At studying the painting as a scientific method, it is important to interrelate with the great masters of the past, background of Renaissance. Being plunged into their world of pencil of brush movement, the painter will be able to obtain loads of knowledge, make discoveries, and feel delicacy of techniques and energy of the art’s creator. It is essential for self-developmentand studies the future horizons. The painter puts part of himself, his soul and vision of the world into each picture. By the picture you also may read a lot about the person who worked on it, it is a so called reflection of his state of mind.

On our web-site you will find the works of an artist ValeriayaKravchuk, accomplished on the different subjects, genres, and the copies from the originals of famous painters. The works are done on the high professional level, have powerful energy, its individual artistic hand, special colors mixture, unbelievable techniques, delicate color combination and precise structure of drawing. Of course it is always better to see these arts «alive», but even through your screen you would feel this energy, strong and dynamic character of the painter’s personality, her bright and original individuality. Should you wish to purchase the photoproduct of a good quality and required size, please make an order in the section Buy.You may see the originals of works at the exhibitions, for more information please refer to the updated section News.

Wewish you a pleasant journey around the magnificent pieces of arts, viewing of which will bring you jolly emotions and cheerful mind!



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